We have a couple of licensing options available based on end-usage
All rights are reserved. If you are interested in licensing any of my art or photography, please read below.
Thank you for your interest in licensing my photography or art. Rights to download to display, publish, distribute, transmit, or otherwise use my photography or art in any way must be acquired prior to any such use. Both Personal Licenses and Commercial Licenses are available for purchase, depending on the end-use. You can purchase a license by contacting me directly at Please provide a link to the image you would like to purchase a license for and describe how you intend to use it. If you have any questions, please contact me.
There are many who do not even realize it is illegal to download and use copyrighted images. This intellectual property is protected by Copyright Law. Obtaining a license to use a photographer or artist’s work is required under US, Canadian, and other countries’ Copyright Law, except under a few, very restricted circumstances.
If you wish to legally publish the work of a photographer or artist and not have to worry about copyright infringement, you will need to obtain permission. All of my photography and artwork is copyright protected. Usage is monitored; unauthorized usage is actively sought out by dedicated computers, detected, and aggressively dealt with to the full extent of the law.
Please keep in mind that art and photography is the only way I earn my living. “Stealing” my work by not obtaining a license, as other paying customers do, is akin to taking food from my table or necessities from my home. I need to earn a living as much as the next person in order to survive in this life. This is not my hobby or an extra income source. I have bills to pay, personal and business-related expenses, equipment and all the usual financial demands most anyone has. My work needs to support my business enterprise as well as me personally.
I am very grateful that most understand this and I thank you all for your understanding, patronage and appreciation of the work I do. If you ever have any questions, please contact me.
Upon purchase of a personal license, these would be the terms for use. The following terms do not apply unless the license for a particular image has been purchased from Anita Thomas/Urbanmoon Art + Photography:
The purchase of a license for an image would grant the buyer a non-exclusive perpetual personal-use license to download and copy the accompanying image(s) or video(s) (collectively, “Media,”) subject to the following restrictions:
- The license would be for personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use of the Media for display on personal websites and computers, or making image prints or video copies for personal use. The Media may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. The Media may not be used in advertising. The Media may not be resold, relicensed, or sub-licensed.
- Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for the Media remain exclusively with the Content Provider.
- There are no warranties, express or implied. The Media are provided ‘as is.’
- Content Provider will be liable for any third-party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer’s use of the Media.
Upon purchase of a commercial license, these would be the terms for use. The following terms do not apply unless the license for a particular image has been purchased from Anita Thomas/Urbanmoon Art + Photography:
What you can do:
The purchase of a license for an image would grant the buyer a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the accompanying image(s) or video(s) (collectively, “Media,”) for permitted commercial purposes, defined as:
- advertising, promotion, brochures, packaging
- as part of a commercial website for promotional purposes (maximum 800×600 pixels) use
- prints, posters, flyers, tearsheets for promotional purposes (not for resale)
- prints, posters, or other commercial display of Media
- magazines, books, newspapers, other printed publications
- video, broadcast, theatrical
What you may not do:
- Buyer may not resell, relicense, redistribute without express written permission from Content Provider. Use as a derivative work, and reselling or redistributing such derivative work is prohibited. Media may not be used in a pornographic, obscene, illegal, immoral, libellous or defamatory manner. Media may not be incorporated into trademarks, logos, or service marks. Media may not be made available for download.
Content Provider retains all rights, license, copyright, title and ownership of the Media.
There is no warranty, express or implied, with the purchase of this digital image or video file. Content Provider will be liable for any claims, or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer’s use of the Media.