I’m thrilled to have had one of my encaustic paintings, “Deafening Silence”, receive an Honourable Mention Award at the 127th Annual Juried Exhibition of the Women’s Art Association of Hamilton, held at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Thank you to...
I had two pieces in this important fundraising event. One was one of my aerial photos, the other was this one, a digital collage based off one of my cold wax and oil paintings. I’d like to send a big THANK YOU to the successful bidders. Your support of local...
Tonight is the opening reception of the 36th Art in the Workplace exhibition at McMaster Innovation Park in Hamilton. I have two encaustic paintings in this juried show and tonight’s featured artist is Mina Hajialiakbari. It’s always a fun evening of live...
I am very happy to announce the launch of The Art Space @ Circulera in the Toronto International Design Centre (TIDC). It’s been many months in the works and we are finally here. I’m honoured to be one of six featured artists represented at this beautiful...
The opening reception of the exhibition “Resilience”, a juried exhibition of Womens Art Association of Hamiltonat the Art Gallery of Hamilton. I’m very pleased that my encaustic piece “Trapped” was juried into the show. Admittance is free...